Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Chapter 3 Home Sweet Home, Unit 1. My House

Section 1 – Say What You Know

a. Look at Picture 3.2. Say the rooms of the house.


b. Mention rooms in your house. Circle the words in Worksheet 3.1. You can add more rooms. See the Wordbox.



Section 2 – Listening

a. Listen to Audio 3.1. Galang is welcoming  Andre and Monita to his house. See the Wordbox



b. Read the sentences on Worksheet 3.2. Say the words for each picture in the sentences. You can use the words from Section 1b to ill in the blank space.



Section 3 – Listening

Comic strip 3.1 Galang shows his house to Andre and Monita
a. Listen to Audio 3.2. Galang is inviting Andre and Monita to go inside
his house. See the Wordbox.


b. Here are the other rooms in Galang’s house. Put the furniture in the right rooms. Write the words of furniture in the rooms.

c. Discuss with a friend to answer these questions.
1. Who has the old radio?
2. What does Monita like about Galang’s house?
3. What do you like about Galang’s house?

d. Odd one out. Circle one object that does not belong to the group in each categories.


Section 4 – Speaking

a. Listen again to Audio 3.3. Say the sentences.
There’s an old radio in the living room.
There are two armchairs, a sofa, a coffee table, and a television in the living room.

b. Complete the sentences with there is or there are. Number one has been done for you.


c. Look at each picture. Describe each room. Number one has been done for you.


d. Look at the pictures and words. Say the sentences.


e. Some objects are misplaced. Find them, and say where they are. Do as in the example.


Section 5 – Fun Time: What’s Missing?

Work with your friend to complete each other’s pictures. Ask and give information about the objects in the rooms, and draw the objects that you don’t see in your pictures. Number one has been done for you.

Student A and Student B take turns to describe each other’s pictures. Student A and Student B should not see each other’s pictures. While listening, Student A/Student B draws the objects that are missing.

Student A: 

This is a living room. There is a cabinet in the living room.
There is a television on the cabinet. There is a lower vase next to the television. There are two armchairs. There is a picture on the wall above the television.

Student B: 

This is a living room. There is a cabinet in the living room.
There is a television on the cabinet. There is a sofa in front of the table. There are two armchairs. There is a table in front of the sofa.



Section 6 – Your Turn: Speaking

Tell me about your favorite room. Draw things in your favorite room. Describe it to your friend. Your friend has to draw the things in your favorite room. See the examples in Section 4c. Now take turn.


Enrichment: Show and Tell



Take a picture of a room in your house. Describe the room to the class.
You can describe the objects and their positions in the room.